Nine years ago, in a small village of Name Shah Feisal colony, Zareen started her embroidery. It was hard at first. She took a while to learn the basic skills. Since, she had masters in Urdu, the education paid off as in she was quick to learn the skills via internet and other resources. She goes on to making her own website too. It took her three years to start working professionally as an embroidery expert, who would hold workshops, and start a home based Boutique.
Working tirelessly long days, she still struggles to make the ends meet, as the current economic situation took a toll on her business too. As she is the main source of income for her family, the burden of taking care of a whole family becomes really hard, even though her husband teaches in school. Her husband’s support has been one of the driving forces, her to hustle every day. The one NGO, that has helped her develop her skills, have been vital in her becoming the person that she is today. She was able to avail opportunities through the non-profit that assisted her gaining the skills and employment. Her life has been hard, even with a degree of masters, she is struggling, and that’s when she met
Working tirelessly long days, she still struggles to make the ends meet, as the current economic situation took a toll on her business too. As she is the main source of income for her family, the burden of taking care of a whole family becomes really hard, even though her husband teaches in school. Her husband’s support has been one of the driving forces, her to hustle every day. The one NGO, that has helped her develop her skills, have been vital in her becoming the person that she is today. She was able to avail opportunities through the non-profit that assisted her gaining the skills and employment. Her life has been hard, even with a degree of masters, she is struggling, and that’s when she met
WOMART. WoMart has helped her develop her business skills and marketing skills on her website.It also provided her an online platform that will bring her products to the international as well as national market. She believes that this is a new door to a better life, a life where she could have some comfort in knowing, that her products will go on the international market and increase sales, hence providing a constant income. Zareen’s embroidery is intricate and made with hours of immense skill and love